Top 10 scary looking harmless animals in the world

Being small or looking beautiful doesn’t mean that one animals is harmless. Small mosquitoes and attractive box jelly fishes comes under the list of world’s most dangerous animal species. At the same time many frightening looking animals never attack human beings or other animals. Followings are 10 scary looking harmless animals in the world.

10 Giant African Millipede

Giant African Millipedes


Giant African millipedes are one of the largest millipedes in the world. It grows up to length of 15 inch and 4 inch in thickness, look like small snakes. In real world they are harmless herbivores, can’t bite and can’t sting. Millipedes coil it’s long body into a spiral shape when it faces the predators.

African millipedes have 250 legs, movement of these small legs seems very attractive. They lives in moist soil, under rocks of rainforest in various part of Africa. The dead leaves are becomes main food of millipedes, called as nutrient recyclers because of this habit.

9 Goliath Birdeater

Goliath Bird Eater

credit of image : John on Flickr


It is the second largest spider species in the world, native to rainforest of South America. Their hairy body and legs makes  scary look for them, but not at all harmful for humans. When faces any threat these spiders rub their abdomen using legs, makes an irritation to skin.

In fact goliath birdeater have venom, but not lethal for human beings. As they don’t have teeths this species of spider used to inject it’s saliva into the body of prey, will break down it’s tissues so that the spider can have it easily.

8 Milk Snake

scary looking harmless animals


Milk snakes are species of king snake mainly found within region of Southeastern Canada. The resemblance of this snake with venomous coral snake make wrong assumption on many people that it a harmful snake. It help milk snakes to keep away many predators and this species of snake is completely harmless.

It is quite hard to recognize the variation in color pattern of coral and milk snakes. The the red color next to black are milk snakes and red next to yellow are coral snakes. They feed on insects, earthworms and slugs.

7 Camel Spider

Camel Spider

There was a myth exists about camel spiders in middle Eastern countries for a long time that they have size up to half of a grown man and they eat human flesh. They are actually not comes within family of spiders, member of arachnida class. They only have size of few inches and not deadly to humans.

Camel spiders can travel at speed of 10 miles per hour. They have very strong jaws and seize the preys easily, feed on insects, rodents, lizards and small birds.

6 Manta Ray

Manta Ray

It is the largest one of all species of rays in ocean, found within sub tropical and tropical waters. Thy grow up to a size of 25 feet, have large forward facing mouth and fins. Manta rays are completely harmless even though they are large in size, known as devil fish.

Actually divers swim along with them in tropical waters. They travel over deep sea alone or in group, sometimes associate with other species of fish. Small fishes are main food of manta rays.

5 Vulture


The frightening appearance, eating dead bodies, terrifying wingspan makes vultures too scary bird. But in real world it is harmless one, won’t attack for a living body like to have dead bodies. Vultures have sharp beaks and claws, but they used these tools only for cut down the dead animal bodies.

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They are highest flyers in species of birds, sometimes they fly at 37000 feet height, remember the height of everest is 29029 feet. They also travel long distances in searching for food. Vultures also have strong stomach, can diet 90% of bones within the food.

4 Aye-aye

Aye Aye


Aye-aye are world’s largest nocturnal primate found within Madagascar. They have long bushy tail, round and big eyes, dark color and slender fingers overall have a devil like appearance. But aye-aye are gentle and harmless in nature.

The long middle finger is the main tool of aye-aye, make easy movement across tree branches, also to pick larvaes and insects beneath of bark of trees. But the natives of Madagascar believes that if they point it’s finger at you it is a death sentence. Because of this reason they kill this gentle animal on sight.

3 Vampire Bat

Vampire Bat


The only flying mammal in the world that feed on blood, rest in dark caves, have sharp teeth and scary looking face. Human attack by vampire battle is very rare, they suck blood from cattle bodies. At the same time they never such enough blood to cause death for their host.

Vampire bats lives in colonies that have members up to 1000. They usually roam in midnights and using their razor sharp teeths such blood from bodies of cows, goats and other birds. the saliva of this bats also prevent blood from clotting.

2 Gharial


Gharials are member of gavialidae crocodile family, look exactly like crocodiles. But gharials have long narrow snouts, native to Indian subcontinent. Unlike other members of crocodile family they never attack on humans or other large animals. In fact their jaws can’t hold any large animals.

The elongated narrow snout of gharial holds 110 sharp teeths. But they never attack on other animals, used this tool to catch fishes, frogs and insects.

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1 Basking Shark

Basking Shark

Basking sharks are the second largest fish in the world. They grows up to a length of 33 feet, this large size and wide open mouth make it to look so dangerous. Actually they are filter feeders and not at all aggressive, fishes are becomes main food,never attack humans.

Their snout have a conical shape, slits help to open the mouth so widely. Basking sharks open their mouth while they travel in sea and their body filtered out all water. In that way basking sharks get enough food. They spend most of time and feeding at surface of ocean, During winter season they goes to deep ocean.