Have you ever wondered about the fastest animals on Earth? When it comes to speed, we often think of supercars or superbikes. However, did you know that certain creatures can match or even surpass their velocities? Check out the Top 10 Fastest Creatures on Earth that made the list.
10Blue Wildebeest, 50 mph
During the dry season, they migrate to wetlands in search of grass. They used to be frightened by predators such as Zebras, which follow the same migratory path. Both males and females have horns. As the second-fastest antelope on the planet, the Blue Wildebeest can reach speeds equivalent to the top speed of a lion.
9Marlin Fish, 50 mph
Marlins are among the largest fish in the world, reaching up to 14 feet in length. They are native to the Atlantic and Pacific oceans and can swim at a top speed of 50 mph while diving into the deep ocean. Marlins have a unique, elongated body shape and a long spear-like bill that sets them apart from other fish in the Istiophoridae family.
As adults, Marlins can grow up to 5 meters long and weigh around 800 kg. They prefer to live in warm-temperature ocean regions. These bluewater fish are known to migrate long distances, sometimes covering several thousands of miles. Marlins use the force of ocean currents to gain astonishing speed, and their strong, sharp spear helps them to catch prey and defend themselves against predators.
Top 10 Fastest Birds In The World
8Pronghorn Antelope, 55 mph
While cheetahs may be faster than the Pronghorn Antelope, they lack the same energy reserves necessary for prolonged running. The Pronghorn Antelope can grow up to three feet tall and has strong legs and shoulders. It migrates up to 300 miles in different seasons, often selecting riverbanks and grasslands as its migratory destinations.
7Sailfish, 68.35 mph
The sailfish is a remarkable aquatic creature known to be one of the fastest in the world, capable of reaching speeds of up to 68.35 mph when swimming. This fish typically inhabits the temperate waters of the Pacific and tropical regions such as the Indian Ocean and is recognized for its blue or grey appearance.
Adult sailfish can grow up to 1.2-1.5 meters long and weigh around 100 pounds. Their unique body shape, reaching up to 11 feet, contributes to their incredible swimming and diving abilities. They prefer warm ocean waters, usually found within the ocean’s surface area, and use their quick swimming skills to avoid predators like octopuses and dolphinfish.
6Cheetah, 75 mph
Cheetahs use their lightweight body, flexible spines, and tails to attain the right direction of the run. Unfortunately, as the number of cheetahs decreases yearly, we must protect this amazing animal group. Fewer than 8,000 cheetahs are left alive, making them a vulnerable species on the IUCN Red List.
5Spur Winged Goose, 88.23 mph
The Spur Winged Goose is a type of goose native to South Africa and is the largest group in the goose family. They can grow to 40 inches long and weigh up to 8 kg. While they share many characteristics with geese, they also have unique features, such as spurs on their wings. These spurs can sometimes be poisonous, as they collect toxins from the Blister Beetle found in certain parts of their habitat.
Spur Winged Geese are social animals and often move in groups of up to 50 individuals. They can fly at speeds of 88.23 mph. These birds are typically found in wetlands, on the banks of rivers, and around lakes in Africa. They also migrate up to several hundred kilometers in different seasons.
4Frigate Bird, 95 mph
Interestingly, these birds spend most of their lives in the sky because their feathers aren’t waterproof, which makes it impossible for them to land on the ocean. They glide continuously using air currents with minimal effort to avoid getting wet and heavy. It’s rare to see them on the ground. However, they form nests with strong sticks when breeding near the oceans.
3Spine-tailed Swift, 106 mph
Did you know that the Spine-tailed Swift is the second fastest animal in the world? It’s also considered the fastest-flying bird in powered flight, meaning it can reach top speeds of up to 106 mph without the assistance of wind currents. These cigar-shaped birds with distinct white throats are native to central Asia and Siberia.
They have short legs and long wings, which allows for smooth flying. Spine-tailed Swifts spend most of their lives in the sky and breed in nests located on high cliffs. Additionally, they are known to travel hundreds of miles during different seasons as migratory birds.
2Golden Eagle, 200 mph
These birds can cover great distances, flying up to 250 miles in a day during migration, and can easily fly for hours while searching for food. They usually fly at elevations between 13,000 and 16,000 feet to help them see their surroundings and potential prey. The Golden Eagle is indeed a powerful and fascinating creature.
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1Peregrine Falcon, 242 mph
Peregrine Falcons also have excellent eyesight, allowing them to spot their prey from several heights easily. Historically, Peregrine Falcons made their nests in high cliffs and skyscrapers, mainly near ocean regions. Their diet consisted mainly of small ocean birds. Every year, Peregrine Falcons would migrate thousands of miles from one continent to another.