Animals use their sense of taste to avoid harmful substances and consume nutritious food. The more taste buds an animal has, the better it can detect even small traces of food. Some animals have a highly developed sense of taste that allows them to enjoy a variety of flavors.
Here are ten animals with exceptional and distinct gustatory abilities that outstrip the average human’s 10,000 taste buds.
This organ is primarily responsible for both smell and taste in a snake. Using their forked tongue, snakes collect air molecules from the surrounding environment. The chemically sensitive Jacobson’s organ then converts taste into smell, allowing them to gather information about their surroundings. This is particularly useful while hunting for prey.
Interestingly, flies are better than humans at distinguishing between bitter and sweet tastes. They understand that bitterness signals toxicity, while sweetness indicates a good energy source. Fortunately, flies also have a strong sense of smell to help them find their preferred food.
10 Animals with the Strongest Sense of Smell
Butterflies usually eat nectar or flower pollen and taste sweet, bitter, sour, and salty flavors. Male butterflies also have a peculiar affinity for mud, called puddling or mud-puddling, which provides valuable minerals for healthy sperm. Interestingly, when butterflies land on plants, they usually taste them to see if they are the right type to lay their eggs on.
After processing the signals from the taste receptors, the central nervous system inside the bee’s head enables them to detect sugars, salts, and possibly amino acids, proteins, and water. This ability also allows them to assess the nutritional value of pollen and nectar. Additionally, bees are naturally averse to highly concentrated bitter tastes.
Squids will even turn away from prey that has a bitter taste. Scientific research has shown that squids take longer to handle shrimps soaked in bitter compounds before eating them, or they may even reject them altogether. The taste receptors also help squids locate their prey with incredible accuracy.
They rely on their touch and taste receptors to decide when to hunt and retreat. Recent research has shown that these receptors react to water-soluble chemicals and chemicals that do not dissolve well in water. Different receptors are sensitive to various flavors and odors.
Simple carbohydrates stimulate a sweet taste in pigs, but high-intensity sweeteners like Sodium Saccharin and Thaumatin only trigger minor sweet taste responses in their tongue. Sweet taste receptors play a significant role in carbohydrate digestion and absorption in the gastrointestinal tract. Pigs are highly sensitive to umami taste, about ten times stronger than their sweet taste.
Did you know that rabbits have an exceptional sense of taste and smell? They use a group of receptors called taste cells on their tongue’s papillae to identify tastes like sweet, sour, bitter, and salty. In fact, they have twice as many taste buds and 15 to 20 times better sense of smell than ours.
The rabbit’s brain uses both the sense of taste and the sense of smell to recognize and identify various tastes and flavors. Moreover, their saliva determines how food tastes by transporting chemicals from the food to the taste buds and starting the digestive process. In the wild, rabbits can distinguish between toxic and non-toxic plants.
Their taste receptors differ from humans in taste discrimination, sensitivity, and location in several tongue areas. Sometimes, cows can hesitate to eat unfamiliar foods with different tastes and smell. To make it easier, they need artificial sweeteners to mask bitter flavors, such as zinc in water.
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The barbells act like antennae, allowing the fish to detect molecules containing flavor and locate their prey. This is especially useful in muddy or murky waters where visibility is low. Since their taste receptors help them find desirable food sources while avoiding bad-tasting materials, they are sometimes called “swimming tongues.”