Top 10 Medicinal Flowers to Grow in your Herb Garden

Growing medicinal flowers in your herb garden is beneficial as they have broad applications in treating various illnesses and maintaining good health. Moreover, flower therapy has proven successful in curing specific psychological issues such as hypertension, memory loss, stuttering and dyslexia, and migraines.

Let’s look at the list of medicinal flowers you can grow in your herb garden.



Image credit: Maia C on Flickr

Marigold has several medicinal applications to treat skin conditions like bruises, contusions, and varicose veins. They also heal Minor skin injuries and inflammations. Marigolds contain high concentrations of flavonoids like carotene and essential oils, which act as anti-inflammatories and speed up the healing of irritated skin conditions.

Marigold ointment promotes wound healing for eczema and sunburns. The regular procedure of making marigold ointment is comparatively easy. It consists of mixing the filtered marigold oil with wax after properly preserving the fresh flowers in olive oil for three weeks and storing it in a relatively cool and dark place. When decanted into a jar, the ointment can last for several months.



The edible sunflower oil extracted from the seeds is an important source of Vitamin E and unsaturated fatty acids. It contains sufficient carotenoids, lecithin, etc., that enhance our immune system. Besides cooking and cosmetic production, oil intake decreases the risk of coronary-arterial diseases and hepatic cholesterol.

The sunflower seeds also have proteins with a high biological value that impart greater strength and immunity. An infusion of freshly bloomed ray flowers has the properties of a tranquilizer. It helps normalize high blood pressure. It also reduces fever and forms a functional medicine to treat malaria.

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Chrysanthemum has excellent medicinal properties since they treat chest pain, type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, fever, headache, and dizziness. The flavonoid acacetin in chrysanthemum can fight against prostate cancer, even stopping cancer cell growth. Chrysanthemum tea is a great help to digestion and relieving nausea.

Chrysanthemums have anti-inflammatory and anti-obesity effects. The Chemical compounds in the flowers help prevent bone loss and can treat osteoporosis. Also, they control high blood sugar levels and thereby help prevent type 2 diabetes.

7California Poppy

California Poppy

The California poppy offers various health benefits. It can help treat insomnia, nervous agitation, and ailments related to the bladder and liver. The chemical compounds in California poppy promote relaxation and improve sleep. The antispasmodic action of the herb normalizes muscle functions.

An infusion or juice of the herb helps in cleansing wounds. Also, the extract turned into oil treats various skin issues. Additionally, the herb can also aid in treating psychological conditions such as depression, long-term physical and mental exhaustion, nerve pain, sedation, and sensitivity to weather changes when combined with other herbs.



Apart from cosmetic uses, this aromatic herb exhibits excellent medicinal properties. Lavender finds its benefits in inhalation therapy to treat nervous disorders, headaches, and exhaustion. Lavender oil can treat many skin ailments, like fungal infections, wounds, and eczema. It also helps in healing joint and muscle pain.

Lavender oil helps in controlling the pain after surgery. It gives relief to patients suffering from anxiety disorders. Various anti-inflammatory agents like linalyl acetate and linalool in Lavender treat different skin conditions. It is also helpful in treating anxiety, depression, insomnia, and restlessness.

5St. John’s Wort

St. John's Wort

St. John’s wort can treat various illnesses, including nervous disorders. It exhibits antibacterial, antiviral, and antioxidant properties. It helps heal wounds and burns due to its anti-inflammatory properties. St. John’s wort is now extensively used in treating depression since it contains several antidepressant chemicals, including hyperforin, hypericin, and flavonoids.

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It helps relieve the physical and emotional symptoms of Premenstrual syndrome(PMS), including cramps, food cravings, and irritability. Together with black cohosh, it controls mood swings and anxiety during menopause. It also helps fight against inflammation that occurs due to minor wounds and skin irritation.



Daisies exhibit exceptional medicinal properties. They induce the digestive process, which helps to increase appetite. They treat several digestive tract ailments, including diarrhea, gastritis, and constipation. The anti-inflammatory and astringent properties of daisies can be better utilized in making daisy herbal tea.

Daisies can cure urinary tract inflammation and painful cramps of the menstrual period. They also heal minor wounds, scratches, sores, dermatitis, rashes, and eczema. A tincture made from this herb is a remedy for mouth inflammation and sore throat. A recent research study published in 2012 confirmed that daisy extract is very effective in healing wounds without leaving any scars.



Chamomile acts as a therapeutic agent in promoting human health with its curative and preventive medicinal properties. Dried chamomile flowers can cure many established health issues. Chamomile preparations, especially herbal tea, help to treat human ailments like fever, muscle spasms, inflammation, menstrual disorders, insomnia, and gastrointestinal disorders.

Chamomile tincture, prepared from the chamomile flower, helps treat summer diarrhea in children and prevents cramping when used with purgatives. It acts as an anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and healing medicine. Also, it is a digestive relaxant to treat various gastrointestinal disturbances.



Echinacea stimulates our immune system to combat infections and viral attacks, helping us recover much faster. Echinacea flowers effectively prevent some common colds, especially in children. They help prevent sore throat, cough, and fever, reduce the symptoms, and shorten the duration of flu and the common cold.

The active substances in Echinacea boost immune system functions by reducing inflammation, relieving pain, and providing antiviral, hormonal, and antioxidant effects. They also have some medicinal applications in treating urinary tract infections, ear infections, vaginal yeast (candida) infections, athlete’s foot, sinusitis, and slow healing of wounds.

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Calendula contains high quantity flavonoids and antioxidants that help to protect cells from some unstable molecules called free radicals. It is typically applied to the skin for faster healing of wounds by increasing blood flow and oxygen concentration to the affected area, thereby helping the body grow new tissue. 

The intake of calendula is harmful. Calendula containing eardrops can treat ear infections in children with no side effects. A recent study published in 2016 in The Journal of Wound Care revealed that the healing velocity of wounds treated with calendula is 7.4% faster compared to other methods that didn’t use the calendula extract.